A reader posted what sounded like some reasonable concerns about MMS in response to my article, “MMS: Reflections on Balance and Toxicity”. I don’t purport to be the authority on chlorine dioxide by any stretch of the imagination, but I know what I think I know. I’m willing to be corrected if my thinking is not correct. So I’ll post his concern, in full, as written, then my thoughts on each:
A lot of this MMS data concerns me that recommendations made could be dangerous. Firstly 28% NaclO2 which MMS is is a hazardous chemical product and should be marked accordingly and transported accordingly. 28% NaClO2 has 168,000 ppm of available chlorine dioxide, that’s right 168,000 and when activated with citric you produce 20% of the available Chlorine Dioxide with a residual of chlorous acid so you still produce 33,600 ppm of free chlorine dioxide (Hence the ClO2 gas coming off when mixing.). I specialize in anti-microbial intervention programs using chlorine dioxide and acidified sodium chlorite technologies. We treat town water at 0.8 ppm free ClO2, swimming pools for crypto and giardia etc at 3ppm free ClO2, fresh produce, meat and seafood at 5 to 10 ppm of free ClO2. And if you want to know what it is doing to your insides at the strengths recommended by MMS remember your gut contains HCL (Hydrochloric acid). HCL is used commercially to activate NaClO2 to produce 100% of the available Chlorine Dioxide. So take the 18 drops of MMS and add 18 drops of HCL to them and watch, BUT DO NOT USE OR INHALE FUMES.
There you have it.
Now let’s break it down.
Thank you for your insights. To better understand your position, I have a few questions:
Alot of this MMS data concerns me that recommendations made could be dangerous.
Dangerous to who or to what? Since the chlorine dioxide molecule only oxidizes that which is acidic, anaerobic, or toxic, including all the microorganisms that you use it to control professionally, where is the actual focus of your concern?
In other words, since it:
- does not affect cells or tissue that is oxygen rich,
- healthy,
- of an alkaline pH, and
- breaks down into harmless natural byproducts in a matter of two hours,
…then what do you feel is, or could be endangered by chlorine dioxide, and why?
Firstly 28% NaclO2 which MMS is, is a hazardous chemical product and should be marked accordingly and transported accordingly.
Perhaps if you had 55 gallon drums of it under certain situations. But are you really suggesting that each 4 oz bottle of NaClO2 (which the MMS comes in) in solution should be marked as a hazardous chemical? Why?
Adequate cautions are given in the instructions, but if someone spilled their sodium chlorite out of the 4 oz bottle that it comes in onto the table, do you really think it would warrant a call for a “Hazardous Materials” Unit to respond?
28% NaClO2 has 168,000 ppm of available chlorine dioxide, that’s right 168,000 and when activated with citric you produce 20% of the available Chlorine Dioxide with a residual of chlorous acid so you still produce 33,600 ppm of free chlorine dioxide (Hence the ClO2 gas coming off when mixing.).
Let’s say that you’re right about that. If I understand it correctly the first number is “stabilized,” or latent and not nearly as powerful as chlorine dioxide. So now, let’s say you activate it, and you’ve got an army regiment with 33,600 chlorine dioxide molecules per million. It’s not ingested. The next thing one does is add water or juice which dilutes the solution, and dramatically reduces the ppm count.
You also haven’t addressed the variability of the dosage. A person taking 1, 6, 15, or even 50 drops of MMS is going to have a different ppm count. Your “one size” logic doesn’t appear to fit all situations.
Beyond that, each individual has his or her own issues that involve:
- degree of toxicity (body and mind)
- location of toxicity (body and mind)
- type of toxicity (microorganism, inorganic deposits)
- degree of will (determination)
- commitment to self healing
- confidence in one’s own authority and ability to heal
- willingness to let go dis-ease, and its associated story
These variables CANNOT be applied across the board. They cannot be measured, except by the owner/holder of the perceptions. This is why two people with the same external factors may have entirely different experiential effects.
On the other hand, what about the billions of colonizing anaerobic microorganisms that inhabit the average person who has Lyme, arthritis, cancer, fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s, AIDS, Morgellons, or the latest flu, or even the common cold?
When a person comes down with the flu, do you think that they got “bit” by one bacteria? Or do they already have a colony in their body numbering in the billions?
In that context, it’s a wonder that 33,600 ppm, if that is the number that an average dose of MMS would represent, would be adequate. But you’re right about concentration. That amount would be unhealthy, just like taking too many aspirins could be deadly. If you look at the results that people are getting, these factors have been taken into consideration.
As I understand it, the actual concentration of chlorine dioxide in the MMS protocol — once NaClO2 is activated, ClO2 generated, and water is added for ingestion — is somewhere around 1 ppm, well within even FDA guidelines. And that can be lowered even further by simply drinking more liquid at the time of intake.
I specialize in antimicrobial intervention programs using chlorine dioxide and acidified sodium chlorite technologies. We treat town water at 0.8 ppm free ClO2, swimming pools for crypto and giardia etc at 3ppm free ClO2, fresh produce, meat and seafood at 5 to 10 ppm of free ClO2. And if you want to know what it is doing to your insides at the strengths recommended by MMS remember your gut contains HCL (Hydrochloric acid).
You talk as though the chlorine dioxide in the MMS protocol functions as a liquid might, which could mean that tissues become saturated. An example of what I’m saying is where a stream of water over the nostrils might inhibit breathing and cause one to drown, whereas a stream of steam might open the bronchial tubes.
Your concerns about high ppm count would be valid if one were actually doing an intake at such a high ppm. But some people have taken what appear to be insanely high amounts of sodium chlorite, either inadvertently or deliberately so, and have lived to tell about it. In that context, any substance can be abused, even soda pop. But in the concentrations outlined in the MMS protocol, no such harm has happened to anyone. I wish you would acknowledge this fact. It would make your cautions more credible, and not simply alarm-causing.
Chlorine dioxide remains in a gaseous state even when suspended in water, which carries it into the body where the molecules are picked up by a blood cell and transported on a journey through that lasts all of two hours before each either has an oxidizing encounter, or loses electrons and breaks down into NaCl and H2O.
HCL is used commercially to activate NaClO2 to produce 100% of the available Chlorine Dioxide. So take the 18 drops of MMS and add 18 drops of HCL to them and watch, BUT DO NOT USE OR INHALE FUMES.
You’re right about HCl as another activator. Personally I can’t imagine many people wanting to inhale the chlorine dioxide fumes (although there’s no telling what people will try). However, based on the examples you’ve given, your initial intimations of potential danger still escape me, especially in light of the fact that:
1. So many people with a wide variety of health issues, from mild to acute, are experiencing positive results when used as recommended, and
2. Outside of various chelation protocols, which themselves are actually considered “alternative” modalities, modern medicine offers nothing that works like MMS, which disinfects, and produces no harmful side-effects, all at a reasonable price.
Many prescription drugs are KNOWN to be dangerous, and people take them nonetheless, without a second thought. And they pay a high price for them.
Your concern about the proper and careful treatment of water is not to be discounted. It is very important indeed.
You use chlorine dioxide in your profession because it is one of the best ways to disinfect water without producing harmful residual chemical reactions. Disinfecting the water that makes up 70% of the human body is even more important, but we tend to ignore this to death.
Instead of sharing only your fears, I’d love to hear your advice, based on your experience treating water, of how to enhance the benefit from using ClO2 because it is very clear that in the relatively small doses that are recommended, people are benefiting, and pathogen loads are being reduced.
This is not to say that caution isn’t warranted, but we should acknowledge that caution has been a factor throughout the evolution of the MMS protocol, and will continue to be one.
Finally, this isn’t about who is “right” or who is “wrong.” We tend to think that what we think is “right” is true for everyone, which means that what we think is “wrong” is true for everyone. Not so.
Belief empowers our truths… not the beliefs of others, but our own. The only way that another’s belief can empower our truth is (1) it’s our belief too, or (2) we think that individual has more power than we do, which means we believe we have less than they do.
Beliefs are transitory until they become knowing. That is when our ability to consciously, powerfully, and lovingly create our life experience “stabilizes.”
This I KNOW: It is better to approach any healing modality with balance, intelligence, patience, hope, and positive belief, rather than with fear of consequences. Fear is merely positive negativity, empowering and drawing that which we dread, or wish to avoid, to us.
“Positive negativity” is not positive in the healthy, joyful, peaceful, or pleasurable sense. The term “positive” describes a mental openness to, a focus on, and a pulling toward. The term “negativity” refers to the absence of one’s natural harmonic resonance. It is inner conflict, which obstructs the connection to our highest knowing, and energy.
The effectiveness of any modality will be directly proportional to the degree that we are totally at peace with the intended and desired result, including the way that said result is achieved.
Thanks for finally writing about >One Readers MMS Caution: Should You Worry?
| Thought for Food <Liked it!
Tienes un buen blog aqui. Espero que continues proveyendo
mas contenido.
I’ve done MMS..and noticed that my skin has cleared up significantly! A mole that I thought I was going to need to remove has turned into practically nothing..and that was with a three day course of mms…
Thanks for your excellent comments. I totally share your viewpoint.
Ignorance is a sad thing and even worse when added to stupid. If something is working, IT IS WORKING! AND MMS HAS SAVED MY LIFE AND GIVEN ME A LIFE! You just cannot help some people and that is final! I have found out how hard it is to help people. It is like they prefer to suffer! Most people are so stubborn that they JUST CANNOT SEE THE FOREST FOR THE TREES!! I wanted to grand-stand in front of the whole world about what this has done for me and found out that MOST PEOPLE WILL NOT HEAR OF A MIRACLE! NOT EVEN MY OWN SISTER after seeing first hand. I say just let these idiots suffer and die early if they cannot see! Lead that horse to the water but let him get thirsty ENOUGH and HE WILL DRINK! Just look at what the same mentality has done to our country!!
my uncle has cancer. stage four. started as an esophogeal tumor and is now in his liver. he has undergone radiation and chemo. the tumor shrunk a bit. but he is still eating through a tube. he will begin mms today. what are the chances this will work in a situation like this?
You need to find out from your uncle — quite matter of factly — is he ready to leave this world, or does he want to get well again. Some people are ready to leave. NO ONE who consents to chemotherapy and radiation KNOWS what it will be like, not even the doctors that administer it. They’re only doing what what they’ve been TOLD THEY WILL DO, if they want to keep practicing medicine. So you can’t count on their objectivity. If your uncle wants to heal, then he’s got to STOP taking in new poisons (which chemotherapy AND radiation are), and start RESTORING BALANCE. MMS can help in several ways… reducing the toxic load that his body is carrying by oxidizing many of the toxins in his system, and improving the conductivity of electricity. BUT he should not rely only on MMS. He should HYDRATE himself with good quality water. He should drink RAW/UNPASTEURIZED milk (which will add enzymes, aerobic microflora, and vitamin D). He should also drink COLOSTRUM, which is a high-powered mother’s milk that mammals produce the first 72 hours after birth. His body is severely malnourished and stressed. Not because he’s not taking in food, but because there’s little nutritional value in the food he has been ingesting. He should also be willing to MAKE PEACE with anyone and everyone he has had an issue with, or has had an issue with him. These are stressors that medications do nothing for.
It is naive to see MMS as THE solution. We are no one-dimensional beings, nor is life one-dimensional. If he looks at EVERYTHING and bring all discord into harmonic balance, then his cancer will have become the catalyst to a blessing.
Best wishes,
Hi Adam.
Thank you for the information you posted about HIV,and AIDs.
But your information in my opinion is very our dated.
You are a way behind the times.
Night one, Have been reading for days on the web about this and today I started with 1 drop at 4pm and second at 9pm… Have been coughing since Aug 4th and after 2 weeks or so… took 10 days of antibiotics. Still coughing… some say walking NNNN ammonia so this is the test. You will find me giving doses around the world when I see the results. I’ll take the Dominican Republic training from Jim years end if all goes well on my test.
to phaelosopher this is all new to me and sounds very exciting. i have been going through all the info and can’t wait to get started. but i was wondering if there is another place to get the video of the “touch healing demostration” as it’s not working on jim’s site. i believe in all kinds of natural healing and was really drawn to it. thank you
Our older son is far too impatient to sit in the Epsom salt baths. We finally gave up a switched to a supplement call methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). It is two methyl groups attached to a sulfoxide group and the body will convert it to sulfate if (a big if) the body’s transulfuration pathway is working correctly. It worked great for our son, no more red ears and a significant improvement in his chronic allergic shiners.
Hello, Adam!
This is day one of my research on MMS~~I found it via a search regarding vitamin B17. Has there been more information given regarding MMS doses and possible interactions?
So far this has been a very interesting read.
I recommend this website for excellent product and spanish information.
Recomiendo esta página web sobre el MMS de Jim Humble e información en español. http://www.mmsion.org
Health and much Metta!
I would just like to say that MMS has given me my life back. I have been taking it for six months. I have had HIV for over 2 years. I started to go down hill in my health, but MMS has made me feel much stronger and alert. I made it to 15 drops and did that for one day. I had to reduce it quickly, but have never been back to 15.
I take 6 drops per day now — as maintenance.
I want to tell those that are new to taking MMS that when I first started to take it, I had the same symptoms that I had when I was first becoming ill – but they were short lived. It was weird because I had forgotten about all the symptoms that I was having (before I knew I had HIV). This frightened me at first, but I knew that it was attacking those problem areas and I had no fear. In those areas where my body needed most attention – the symptoms would last a few days off and on.
I had mercury toxicity and I knew that my mild neck weakness and slight pain (when taking MMS) was due to the cleansing or killing of pathegens.
I had a severe toothache that needed a root canal but I could not afford the dentist. After two days of taking only 6 drops of MMS, the pain subsided without me noticing at first. I know I should go to the dentist but have not been yet. It’s been a month now since I started having that severe pain – which is now gone.
MMS got rid of all my hard mucous was developing all over my body.
there is a protocol to follow for hiv for at least one month and jim says it will clear the hiv completely 3 drops every hour for 8 hours a day straight for 1 month then maintance dose for one month then get tested and you should test negative
Wow, I have never heard of anyone becoming HIV negative. I was waiting for a response like this. Thanks
You’ve never heard of anyone becoming HIV negative because it just doesn’t happen, at least certainly not with MMS.
If you have HIV, then you have a serious health problem. You need to be treated with real medicines that are proven to work. If you ignore your conventional meds and use MMS instead, then the HIV will kill you a lot sooner than it needs to.
There is still no cure for HIV, but modern drugs can keep it under control for many years or even decades. If you stop taking them, because someone has told you that MMS will cure you, then you will die much sooner than you need to.
Please be aware that there is no evidence whatsoever that MMS cures HIV. The people who tell you it does are just trying to make money out of desperate people.
I have had intestinal upset for a couple of months after using antibiotics and exposure to water with coloform. I have been using probiotics , glutamine and much else to improve a bad gut. A friend gave me mms and told me to start a 2 drops a day and increse the amount 1 drop a day til I got to 15 drops. Today I got to 10 drops and look out. I have never experienced such a reaction. First nausia, then diarreah, then puking and diarreah at the same time even though I hadn’t eaten this morning. Also I have only thrown up once or twice in 20 years but never as
violent as this ever. Any ideas. I don’t think it’s possible to get to 15 drops without dieing. Jared
First off, I hope you’re feeling better. Make sure you drink lots of water to make up for all you lost. I hope your friend told you to proceed increasing the number of drops of MMS AS LONG AS YOU FELT NO ILL EFFECTS. From your account, it sounds like you had been feeling okay through 9 drops a day…? Everyone has their thresholds, some never do get violently ill as you were. I actually made it up to 15 drops twice a day without any such reaction. Fortunately, I have no serious health concerns, had all my mercury fillings replaced years ago, and did an herbal detox twice a year. I was quite nauseous once, when I picked up a bug of some sort, and took around 8 drops of MMS. I threw up, but felt better within a few hours.
I suggest you cut back a few drops, maybe go back down to 6, and ramp up more slowly. Good luck,
can anyone let me know when i should eat ex:
one hour before or one hour after. does it matter
if i just eat right after?
i started out with 5 drops and some citric acid.
i put 5 drops in a cup spilled some citric acid in and just a pinch of water. is that correct?
i then waited 3 minutes added 4oz water, is that
i got a tiny bit of loose stool. i did’nt have any
negative side effects.
i had done a metal detox for 6 months before.
maybe that is why i did’nt feel any negative reaction. should i increase. how much and how many times daily.
one more question please. my friend uses hansi,enercel homopathic formula. will the frequency of the mms interfer with the frequency of the enercel?
much love and light, cindy
I’m writing because I’m a bit confused. I’ve been taking MMS because of a recommendation by a friend. Yet after reading Bruce Crightons’ post I’m a bit concerned about dosage. If I put 2 drops of MMS in with 10 drops of a 10% citric acid solution, wait 3-5 minutes and drink, how many parts per million am I drinking? I really appreciate your help in figuring this out!
So glad to find this site as it helps me understand the MMS a little better. Thanks all for the posts.
Just started taking the MMS two days ago and can feel the difference. I have core sleep apnea and I slept through the night and felt refreshed this morning for the first time in months. Remarkable!
I too have many more questions which will have to be researched.
Thanks all for the contributions!
Hi, from France,
I have bought MMS part 2 book. In the chapter “how to make MMS in your kitchen” can someone help me to convert the unities in french :
Ounces (uk, or US?), for instance what is the equivalent for 12,6 ounces ?…
Quarts (UK, US) dry or liquid? for instance what is the equivalent for 1 quart?…
Thank you
O and I smoke.
Take propecia for hair loss.
Is there a diet I should be on ?
Does smoking effect MMS?
Do drugs effect MMS?
Cam you drink alcohol while taking it?
hello I have a few questions:
1) my friend has HIV what are the recommended doses for him?
2) I have 1 wart on my hand and I have mouth ulcers. I also have irritable boul I believe (blood dripping in the toilet) should I start with the recommended usage and then work my way up to?
3)when do I stop taking it? or when do I go to 4 drops a day?
I know for my friend he can get tested to find out if he got rid of it…but me I don’t know if I cured my problems
I just started to take MMS. But I have still many questions, which are not answered in Jim Humbles book. How does MMS interact with food and food supplements besides Vit. C? Does it oxidice Omega 3 fatty acids? Flax oil? Fish oil? How about iron in drinking water? And if so how dangerous is that for my health? How much time should pass after eating food and food supplements and ingesting MMS? Should I take it before or after breakfast. But what if my breakfast contains lots of antioxidans in the food?
i would like to contact Jim Humble or someone that is close to him……
please get in touch ellis_derek@hotmail.com
why do i never get any reply from wanting to ship the book to the UK….
and by the way, i have been taking this product for almost 4 months and the results are like nothing else i have experienced with other health products.
this product is not going to be wanted by not only the pharmaceutical companies but its not going to be wanted by many of the other products that do not do what they say on the bottle….
what i noticed real and objective.
7 drops for first three months apart from 1 day when i had flu so tock 45 drop and the main symptoms where gone in 5 hours.
1. irritable boul gone, had this for over 20 years.
2. massive increase in breathing.
3. indefinitely stronger.
4. improvement in my eye sight.
5. many other little things.
6. brother almost has no asthma now after 3 months.
i was so impressed with this product, i realized that people need it.
i have now started providing it for other people and the feedback i am getting from people that have tried many things for years, but nothing like this……and the people with the more serious illnesses that follow the protocol correctly are seeing wonderful improvements.
I wonder if Jim Humble is fully conscious of what he has let loose in the world? and how this accidental discovery is going and is changing the way people think about illness and disease.
I AM 41 AND I HAVE NOT EXPERIENCED THE HEALTH I HAVE NOW SINCE I WAS IN MY EARLY 20S………………………………………………. physical mental health has improved more in this last 4 months then it ever has in the past…………
i would like to contact Jim Humble for someone that is close to him……
please get in touch ellis_derek@hotmail.com
Hey Tea Time, you what the problem with your answer is, your right. I probably am stupid. But I can lay claim to being in the top 10 in the world, and no 1 in my country when it comes to the subject I have been talking about. I also think you are very ungrateful by wanting my blog’s removed, but I have learned from Adam and I am going to send you some love, and please keep reading, you might learn something. Do you know what snake oil is?
Bruce and mike are definitely a waste of my time and other peoples here. Thanks, Adam for NOT posting their personal crap!
I on the other hand HAVE used MMS for respiratory problems in my husband, and he has turned around and given it to his friend who was given antibiotics for respiratory problems with no effect, yet the MMS cleared it up within 4 days. I have given MMS to puppies 1 month old that dispelled their intestinal parasites in wads of white masses then had tons of energy and weight gain!
I don’t care what stupid bruce or mike write or say, I don’t give a damn; I’m using MMS and I am healthy, as are those around me who use it. Why would a self-proclaimed intelligent person spend such effort “trying” to negate something which has already proven itself time & time again in many different venues? Very Unintelligent and in my business and I don’t take kindly to people attempting to spread their stupidity around in places like this and I’m grateful to Adam for moving it somewhere else because bruce’s and mike’s mindless crap only devalues this intellectual site!
Mike, I appreciate the respect you bring with your point of view. The other poster did not, and if I unfairly lumped you in with his *attitude*, as well as opinion, then please accept my apologies.
Attitudes and opinions are two entirely different things. We can disagree on the information while maintaining mutually respectful attitudes. But I don’t need to accept some stranger’s baseless and inane insults as useful information.
All points of view should indeed be examined, and they will. My next post will include most of the deleted information.
There are only so many hours in the day, but I will post your comments.
I made it a point to inform anyone who got this far — including Bruce — to KNOW that there is more. And when I repost it, I’ll include a link.
I am “biased” toward balance. I am giving your comments greater exposure in part because they have no balance, in my opinion, but merit careful consideration. It takes time.
You and Bruce are free to put the same amount of effort into presenting your point of view on your own blogs, should you wish. You will then get the chance to decide what appears, and what does not. It’s easy to do. In fact, I encourage you to do so. But given your impatience, it’s probably simpler to be critical of others.
As for Jim’s responses, you should follow your heart. You’ll soon see that nothing has been lost, except if I feel it is a diatribe. Your information doesn’t bother me, nor does your disagreement. Diatribes, should you choose to write them, don’t bother me either. I simply don’t need them, and don’t want to waste the reader’s (or my) time exposed to negativity.
People who visit this site come for many reasons, but exposure to negativity radiation isn’t one of them. If it happens (on anyone’s part, including mine), it won’t last long.
I have no staff working for me. I make no money off whether anyone buys MMS or not (not that it is anyone’s business). I do this as I can, in addition creating ways to support myself.
Having said that, I thank you for reading.
Are these the words an educated, philosphical and spiritualy guided man would use Adam.
“Now you’ve shot your wad, presenting all the fear rhetoric in your arsenal, ”
I do hope you are better than that.
[Moved by Adam… to be included in a new post. You’ll be able to read in its entirety.]
[Moved by Adam to new post… you’ll be able to read in its entirety.]
Bruce, thank you for your concern. Now you’ve shot your wad, presenting all the fear rhetoric in your arsenal, which most people have already heard and assessed the risk factors for themselves. You’ve completely ignored the fact that TENS of thousands of people are benefiting from reducing their bacterial and viral load by disinfecting their internal waters.
You’ve made it clear that you wouldn’t be using it on yourself, which is well and good. However, you can’t vouch for its efficacy or ineffectiveness for you, much less anyone else. I guess you’d prefer using antibiotics and other medicinal toxins to address your own health challenges, or perhaps you simply don’t have any.
The Australian data that you cite is old news, and written with industrial applications and concentrations, which are certainly not the situation here.
You talk about chronic health effects that MAY occur. You don’t know that they will, and the experience that people are having with MMS strongly suggest that they won’t. When ACUTELY ill people find themselves feeling better after “disinfecting,” the chances of them simply falling apart somewhere else down the line is highly unlikely, especially when the ClO2 breaks into harmless substances. You totally ignore what people are doing now with current toxication practices, and the resulting experiences — i.e., chronic illnesses — that they are having and seeking to overcome.
You could say that I don’t know that your dire predictions won’t happen. However, what we do know IS happening, is that people are safely and effectively removing YEARS of accumulated, toxic GUNK from their systems — placed there by environmental, dietary, and medicinal factors — and FEELING ALIVE AGAIN, with no addictive effects.
And note the following:
In Australia above 5% NacLo2 is Hachem 8. Wherther you have ! ml 100 ml or 1000 litres. and is DANGEROUS GOODS
Chemical properties:
Chlorine dioxide gas is flammable, and is violently explosive in air at concentrations over 10%. It can be ignited by almost any form of energy, including sunlight, heat, or sparks. Chlorine dioxide is strongly oxidising, and reacts violently with organic chemicals and can be detonated by sunlight, heat, or contact with mercury or carbon monoxide.
You talk about 1ppm of free ClO2 using your MMS activated with citric. To do this take 0.03 ml of MMS add 0.006 ml of 50% liquid citric acid wait 5 min and add to 1litre of water and you have 1 litre of 5 ppm of acidified sodium chlorite containing 1 ppm of free ClO2. So your 4 oz will make 3,333 litres of 1 ppm of free Clo2 with a chlorous acid residuale.
ClO2 is: Ranked in the USA as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%) to ecosystems. Read the Australian web site below re health and if you are not concerned about what you are doing, you have no credibility. I chalange you to show me any country in the world that has medicly approved NaclO2/ClO2 to be taken oraly. Your answers to my points are generally wrong and people should be aware. My company is getting calls to supply 28% NaClO2 to people after reading Jim Humle’s data, which we refuse.
For the last 10 years I have worked soley with Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) to produce acidified sodium chlorite and chlorine dioxide. NaClO2 is buffered to a Ph above 10 to keep it inert. It starts producing trace elements of free ClO2 at a Ph of 7, 20% conversion at Ph 3.2, 40% at 2.5 and 100% at Ph of 2.
Worksafe Australia
Maximum time weighted exposure (TWA) level: 0.1 ppm 0.28 mg/m³
Maximum short term exposure level (STEL): 0.3 ppm 0.83 mg/m³
I am happy to assist with any information or knowlage I have, but will not use people as guinea pigs.
What effect might chlorine dioxide have on my health?
Acute health effects : The following acute (short-term) health effects may occur immediately or shortly after exposure to chlorine dioxide: irritate the nose and throat, causing coughing and chest pain; eye irritation with watery eyes and seeing halos around lights; breathing chlorine dioxide can irritate the lungs causing coughing and/or shortness of breath. Higher exposures can cause a build-up of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary oedema), a medical emergency but which might not occur for 24 hours, with severe shortness of breath and possibly death.
Chronic health effects : The following chronic (long-term) health effects can occur at some time after exposure to chlorine dioxide and can last for months or years: irritate the lungs; repeated exposure may cause bronchitis to develop with cough, phlegm, and/or shortness of breath. Permanent lung damage may occur, especially with repeated exposure to the vapours. There is limited evidence that chlorine dioxide may damage the developing foetus.
How might chlorine dioxide enter my body?
The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation, ingestion of food that has been treated with chlorine dioxide, or skin contact.
Don’t get me wrong ClO2 is not snake oil but it is the closest thing I know to it. In 1998 the Society for Analitical Chemists said that chlorine dioxide is the most powerful antimicobial agent known to man. But let’s get the fact’s right: It does not matter if you have 1 ml; 100 ml; or 100 litres if the chemical is hazchem classed it is hazchem classed. Take your 4oz of MMS on an areoplane and see what happens, note below
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post “[AlternativeAnswers] Re: Help for 12-Year Old Need…”:
Bruce if right, 28% NaClO2 is a hazardous product and if dried to a powder it is an aggressive oxidizer that can spontaneously combust in certain conditions; if the TSA found a bottle of that in your suitcase at the airport you’d be answering some interesting questions.
There is some data that shows ClO2 can be effective taken orally, but most of it (and the majority of what MMS claims) is not substantiated… I sell large commercial ClO2 generators for a living… be careful out there people!
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I thank you bloggers for posting your concerns about the concentration of the chlorine dioxide. I am mildly concerned that we don’t know enough about dosing.
The 33600 ppm of ClO2 mentioned above is immediately diluted with juice or water. Once in the gut it is further diluted by magnitudes of scale. Jim Humble discussed this in his free PDF book.
The original protocol developed by Jim Humble used vinegar as an activator. In my experience the vinegar does not activate very fast. This would not give us all 33600 ppm all at once. The NaClO2 in the gut reacting with the stomach acid will slowly release the ClO2 in low amounts.
I am concerned that citric acid as an activator works very fast and does give a high concentration of ClO2. It could be positive if the protocol be adjusted for citric acid. For example, we may need to move from a 15 drop dose every 12 hours to a 5 drop dose every 4 hours to treat some certain pathogen. More study is needed. Jim Humble discovered that a quick heavy dose would eliminate the Malaria parasite. Other pathogens may need a slow steady constant dose. We need positive dialog and not scare rhetoric!
Thanks, Ross